UK Permanent Residence Card


UK Permanent resident card, also known as Indefinite Leave to Remain, UK permanent residence is an immigration status granted to a person without the right of abode. An individual with permanent resident status can live and work in the UK indefinitely. You will no longer have any immigration restrictions on working or business in the UK and no time limits on your stay. If you hold this immigration status, you can also become eligible for certain entitlements, such as welfare benefits and tax credits.

UK Permanent Residence Card. UK Permanent resident card, also known as Indefinite Leave to Remain, UK permanent residence is an immigration status granted to a person without the right of abode. An individual with permanent resident status can live and work in the UK indefinitely. You will no longer have any immigration restrictions on working or business in the UK and no time limits on your stay. If you hold this immigration status, you can also become eligible for certain entitlements, such as welfare benefits and tax credits.
There is no time limit on Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK, however, it is important to note that you should not spend periods of more than two years outside the UK as this may lead to the loss of ILR. You may be eligible to apply for British Citizenship 1 year after being granted Indefinite Leave to Remain.

You can find all necessary information to place an order for a residence card below:       

Your surname:

Your given names:

Your sex (M or F):

Your date of birth:

Your place of birth (city and country):

Your address (optional):

Your photo in digital format (color, white background, high resolution):

Written signature in digital format (black ink, white background, high resolution):

Any additional information (Height, Weight, Color of eyes):

Please fill in the form above and attach the required pictures and send the e-mail to our email to proceed with your order.

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